MPBC: A Hub for Motorcycle and Powersport Industry Stakeholders

Managing and nurturing stakeholder relationships is the cornerstone of success. Dealers operate under stringent provincial mandates from entities such as the Vehicle Sales Authority, WorkSafeBC, and ICBC.

MPBC, with its combined might of the MPBC Committee and its expansive network, has the capability to address these issues with a deep well of expertise. This ensures that concerns are addressed holistically, considering the collective experience of the industry

Motorcycle graduated licensing program (GLP) Reviewing the GLP is a complex landscape for both students, trainers, and provincial regulators. MPBC is ensuring their resources help advance the discussion, which ultimately make riding a safer and positive option for all British Columbians.

ICBC and RoadSafetyBC lead the rider training and insurance issues for the province, which are the framework of the industry. MPBC will be an especially important resource in this case, with their national and global OEM network helping to bring best practices from other jurisdictions.

Off-road vehicle management and sustainable recreational economic development are at the heart of the MPBC business viewpoint. As the provincial Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) evolves and requires industry to communicate, consult, and coordinate their activities during the land use planning process, MPBC will again bring a provincial, national and OEM voice to the table.

The Vehicle Sales Authority is an integral business requirement for every dealer in BC, regarding the sale of personal use on road motor vehicles. MPBC is committed to working with the VSA around sales training and compliance for motorcycle and powersport dealers. A shared goal is developing best practices and a clear understanding for expectations and obligations for both consumers and dealers.

Careers in the motorcycle and powersport industry are growing in popularity every year. It’s an  interesting, rewarding career, and a great lifestyle. MPBC supports the education programs which typically start with BCIT and the ITA, but MPBC will also be working with Skills Canada BC to develop a scholarship for motorcycle tech students in their annual provincial competition.

Electrification of motorcycle and powersport vehicles is underway. MPBC is a vital link in the accelerating development and consumer product offerings at the dealer level. Not only does MPBC have the technical network to help support adopting these new products, but they also work with the various marketplace incentive stakeholders to provide a constantly enhancing resource for everyone.



Without a unified industry voice, we are all at the whim of policy, legislative, and marketplace business forces. MotorcyclePowersportBC is the pro-active leadership voice which your dollars support.

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